• (613) 476-3040
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Volunteer Information

The Prince Edward Curling Club is an all volunteer club, with every facet of the operation completed by members. As each member benefits directly from the volunteer efforts in the form of low membership rates and excellent facilities and programming, they should also share equally in the work required to operate the club . To ensure a more equitable distribution of volunteer hours, membership includes a mandatory, refundable volunteer fee as described in the volunteer policy available at the following link. The policy includes details on how to log volunteer hours on the website, and how and when volunteer fees will be refunded. A list of potential volunteer opportunities is included below and is meant as an example of the types of activities that can be used, but is not exhaustive.

 Volunteer Policy

Volunteer Opportunities

Board of Directors

Board members are elected as a Director for a two year term. Board elections typically take place around the end of the curling season in April, and become effective following the completion of the Annual General Meeting in late June. At the first meeting the Board will elect the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary from within their numbers. The remainder of positions are divided up based on personal interests. Volunteer time is logged for any meetings or work done on behalf of the club. The current directors are listed here: “Our Club” -> “Board of Directors. Those interested in running for the board in the next election can contact any of the current directors for more information or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Brief Descriptions of each of the Director portfolios are provided below:

President - preside over meetings of the Board, act as financial signing authority and engage contracts and agreements on behalf of the Corporation and be an ex-officio member of all club committees
Vice President - in the absence of the President preside over meetings of the Board of Directors and act as financial signing authority on behalf of the Corporation
Secretary - record and distribute the minutes of all Board Meetings, Special Meetings and the Annual General meeting of the Corporation
Treasurer - prepare yearly budget, track financial records, invoice for accounts receivable, pay club bills, file HST returns, coordinate annual tax submission and present financial statements to the membership at the AGM
Bar - stock bar with product, track sales each day, update financial records to the treasurer, deposit funds to the bank and deal with any licensing or regulatory issues
House - regularly inspect the lounge and change rooms for maintenance issues, coordinate repairs and act as liaison with cleaner
Ice - coordinate installation, maintenance and removal of ice, order necessary products, coordinate equipment repair and maintenance and liaise with Refrigeration Contractor
Bonspiels - Board point of contact for all bonspiels, work with convenors to develop event budget, liase with volunteer coordinator for volunteers and oversee delivery of bonspiels Draws - Responsible for making teams, coordinate draw schedules and website update, establish playoff structure and recommend league structure changes to the Board
Membership - with Treasurer recommend membership fees, manage online registration form, be point of conduct for members during registration and report statistics and issues Kitchen - with the Bonspiel Chair, coordinate meals, identify volunteer requirements for events, be a Certified Food Handler and advise on issues or equipment required in the kitchen
Advertising - work with the Treasurer to invoice current advertisers, approach prospective advertisers to develop new business conatacts and recommend annual advertising fees Communications - provide support to members of the Board and Club to ensure information on club operations, events and general interest items are distributed to all 
Volunteer Coordinator - work with various Directors and convenors to solicit volunteers to ensure we have adequate support for all club events
Juniors - develop and recommend  a strategy to increase participation, liaise with volunteer coordinator, be present when juniors are on the ice and recommend policies and ice times Rentals - point of contact for rental inquiries, recommends rental fees, sign contracts, coordinate access to the facility and cleaning after events and liaise with volunteer coordinator
Other Opportunities
Bonspiel Convenor - responsible for planning and overall management of the bonspiel on the day of the event. Work with members of the board to coordinate meals, volunteers, budget, and schedule. Convenors are selected by the board from interested members. Emails will normally be sent out to solicit convenors for bonspiels. Prior experience is not necessary. Various members of the Board will work with you to set up and run your event. If you are interested in being a convenor for a future bonspiel, email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Current Bonspiels:
- Wine Spiel (November)
- Sportsman Men's Bonspiel (January)
- Craft Beer and Cider Spiel (February)
- Queen of the Castle Ladies Bonspiel (February)
- Heritage Mixed Bonspiel Bonspiel (March)
Event Assistance - Our bonspiels and events require volunteers to help out on the day of the event with a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, recording game scores, tallying standings, pre game ice prep, set up / take down of tables & chairs, etc.. Generally, mass emails will be sent out 2-3 weeks prior to upcoming Bonspiels or events advertising the available volunteer opportunities to all members. Sign up is through email response and is on a first come first serve basis.
Kitchen Lead / Food Handlers Certification - For Bonspiels or events where we are serving food from the kitchen we require at least one kitchen lead with their Food Handlers Certification to be present. Generally, mass emails will be sent out 2-3 weeks prior to upcoming Bonspiels or events advertising the available volunteer opportunities to all members. Sign up is through email response and is on a first come first serve basis. Currently, we have a shortage of Food Handler Certified Members at the club. We encourage more members that want to help in the kitchen to get their certification. The Food Handlers Course is completed online and takes approximately 6 hours. You may log 6 hours of volunteer time for completing the course and sending your of your certificate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Recommended training for Safe Food Handling is available at the following link: Food Handlers Certificate
Kitchen Assistance - Kitchen assistants are required at any bonspiel/event where we are serving food from the kitchen. Roles include preparing & serving food, washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, and cleaning and putting away tables and chairs. Food Handlers Certification is not a requirement to volunteer as a kitchen assistant. Generally, mass emails will be sent out 2-3 weeks prior to upcoming Bonspiels or events advertising the available volunteer opportunities to all members. Sign up is through email response and is on a first come first serve basis.
Bartending / Smart Serve - Bartenders are needed to serve drinks following all league games. Currently, many leagues have the same members serving post game drinks every week. We encourage all members to get their smart serve certification and start to help out behind the bar more often to split up the volunteer time. Additionally, Bartender volunteers are needed at all club bonspiels / events. Generally, mass emails will be sent out 2-3 weeks prior to upcoming Bonspiels advertising the available volunteer opportunities to all members. Sign up is through email response and is on a first come first serve basis. Smart Serve Certification is a requirement to volunteer behind the bar at the club. The Smart Serve Course is completed online and takes approximately 4 hours. You may log 4 hours of volunteer time for completing the course and sending your certificate to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Smart Serve training is available at the following link: Smart Serve Course
Ice Install / Removal - The Ice Team needs additional volunteers to help out with installation & removal of the ice at the start and the end of the curling season. If you are interested in helping out with this work email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Mass emails may be sent out requesting volunteers if needed.
Ice Teams - In Season Ice Maintenance. Throughout the curling season, daily ice maintenance is required to keep the ice ready for our leagues. Our Ice Teams put in over 1000 hours of volunteer time throughout the season to maintain excellent ice. If you would like to join the Ice Team or learn of other ways to help out with Ice Maintenance, contact the Head Ice Tech or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Members will be thoroughly trained on all equipment and supported as required throughout the season. The amount of time that you would volunteer depends on your interest and schedule. If you are interested in learning more about ice and ice maintenance you are encouraged to check it out.
Pre-Game Ice Preparation - Before games, volunteers are needed to pebble, nip & sweep the ice. Pebbling is done by trained volunteers who are scheduled for each league game. If you are interested in this training & helping out through the curling season, contact the Head Ice Tech or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Nipping / Sweeping can be done by any member prior to their league game, requiring only a short (5 minute) introduction. This is one of the easiest ways to log 15 minutes of volunteer time before each of your games.
Learn to Curl Instructor The club’s learn to curl program has been a great way to introduce people to curling and bring many new members into our club. We will continue to require volunteer time to keep this successful program running. Learn to Curl Instructors help teach the basics of curling to the LTC class throughout the first 2 months of the curling season (October to December) - Sunday at 1:00. If you are interested in volunteering as a learn to curl instructor, contact the Volunteer Coordinator or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Learn to Curl League Skip / Novice League Skip - Following the Learn to Curl Program in Draw 2 and 3, we have a Learn to Curl League where new curlers gain valuable in-game experience. We require volunteers who are more experienced curlers to skip / help out with each team of new curlers for each draw of Learn to Curl League (December to April). This is an excellent atmosphere to learn more about strategy and ice reading.  Additionally, we have a Sunday Novice League for curlers with 2-5 years of experience. Curlers with more experience can volunteer to Skip in this league and provide teaching / instruction to the newer members throughout their league games. If you are interested in volunteering and want to get volunteer hours while playing, contact the Volunteer Coordinator or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Committee Work -  We often use committees for our larger fundraising events such as the Curl-A-Thon. If you are interested in joining a committee for any of our events, contact any member of the Board or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Mass emails may be sent out requesting volunteers for various committees as needed.
Offseason Capital Projects - Like our recent 2024 siding project, offseason capital projects require countless hours of volunteer time to bring significant improvements to our club. Generally, mass emails will be sent out to the membership to advertise the available volunteer opportunities for these projects. Sign up is through email response and is on a first come first serve basis. 
Yard Sale - The Annual Club Yard Sale is a volunteer-run fundraising event hosted at the club every summer, typically in late May or early June. Volunteer roles include:
- Sale Coordinator
- Members to set up in the days leading up to the yard sale
- Members working/selling during the 2 day event.
- Members to clean up following the yard sale
Generally, mass emails will be sent out prior to the Yard Sale, advertising the available volunteer opportunities to all members. Sign up is through email response and is on a first come first serve basis.
Art and Craft Sale The Art and Craft Sale is hosted at the club and entire Fairgrounds every summer by the Prince Edward Curling Club and the Cherry Valley Women's Institute, on the Thursday before the August long weekend. Volunteer roles include:
- Craft Show Committee member to plan the ale
- Set up / Marking all booths in all buildings and spaces prior to the craft show
- Parking assistance / entrance fee collection during the event.
- Clean up following the craft show
Generally, mass emails will be sent out prior to the Craft Show, advertising the available volunteer opportunities to all members. Sign up is through email response and is on a first come first serve basis.
Closing Up the Club / Bar - Every night after league games, a volunteer has to stay and close up the club. Tasks include:
-wiping down tables
-straighten tables & chairs
-turning off all lights
-locking doors / putting keys away
All members are encouraged to help out with these tasks at the end of the night. The members with keys should not be expected to do all of the work to clean up after others. Additionally, a smart serve certified volunteer has to close the bar at the end of the night. The Bar closing checklists are posted behind the bar. This does not need to be the same person that is closing up the club and/or locking the door.
Shovelling Sidewalk - The sidewalk/ramp is shovelled by volunteers throughout the winter. If you get to the club and the entrance is not cleared then take some time and shovel if you are able. Since we are a volunteer club, any slip and fall injuries that would result in potential litigation affect us all and our fees to play.
As mentioned before, this list is not an exhaustive list of potential volunteer opportunities. You are encouraged to help out around the club and log your time on the website. This is not only for refund purposes, but also helps us to inform the membership of the number of hours in any given year that it takes to run the club. As the membership increases, so does the work to maintain it. Your help is always appreciated.

Member Login

Our Sponsors

Upcoming Events

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info

Prince Edward Curling Club

375 C Main Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0

Phone: (613) 476-3040

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